Best to know

  • PHP Integers

    2, 256, -256, 10358, -179567 are all integers.

    An integer is a number without any decimal part.

    An integer data type is a non-decimal number between -2147483648 and 2147483647 in 32 bit systems, and between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807 in 64 bit systems. A value greater (or lower) than this, will be stored as float, because it exceeds the limit of an integer.

    Note: Another important thing to know is that even if 4 * 2.5 is 10, the result is stored as float, because one of the operands is a float (2.5).

    Here are some rules for integers:

  • An integer must have at least one digit
  • An integer must NOT have a decimal point
  • An integer can be either positive or negative
  • Integers can be specified in three formats: decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16 - prefixed with 0x), octal (base 8 - prefixed with 0) or binary (base 2 - prefixed with 0b)

PHP has the following predefined constants for integers:

  • PHP_INT_MAX - The largest integer supported
  • PHP_INT_MIN - The smallest integer supported
  • PHP_INT_SIZE -  The size of an integer in bytes

PHP has the following functions to check if the type of a variable is integer:

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