DSC_2070 Snow Day21 Snowy Bill Williams Mountain DSCF7687 Winter mountains - snow-capped peaks of the Alps P3120634 This Old House [scanned film] Snowy Prospect Park (3) - 2/13/22 Moonlight Monochrome down trees Mt. Cook Aoraki, New Zealand Cleared Out Wild Warm day on ice Snowflake and the cosmos Winter Silence... 500_0421_1 IMG_3093 IMG_8848 IMG_3144 DSC_2070 DSC_20702022-03-12 22:42:36j2christy posted a photo: Read More Grand Island Crystal Palace Snow Day at Frat Bolu_20220310_04 Snow Day at Frat IMG_8961 Wintersonnenstrahl down trees Sliding Upwards Wolkendecke - Schneedecke 220108 028web