[scanned film] Snowy Prospect Park (3) - 2/13/22 CN Q105 (near) and Q186 (far) meeting at Gormley DSCF7324 Mountain Cottage Snow on ice, over St. Lawrence River. A7B02844 Snow Day21 P3120680 DSC_7393-1 09 mars 2022 10.29 Snow Day at Frat Early Morning DSC_2070 P3120663 Snow Day at Frat Enunciated Branches IMG_8848 Two Colors DSCF7356 P3120655 Snowy Day [scanned film] Snowy Prospect Park (3) - 2/13/222022-03-17 00:17:40kellyinbrooklyn posted a photo: Read More Approaching White Covered Bridge Wintersonnenstrahl down trees This Old House IMG_8848 Wolkendecke - Schneedecke Winter mountains - snow-capped peaks of the Alps DSCF7725 Wild Sliding Upwards