Naivasha SA 2022-1351.jpg DSC_4511 say ahhhhhh bonobo ouwehand LF1A0570 After a good meal... a good drink... Tea plantations, Kiambu County, Kenya German Influenced Architecture @ Swakopmund, Namibia-01345 Vasa Parrot Blue Waxbills (uraeginthus angolensis) and Southern Grey-headed Sparrow (passer diffusus) Sidewinding Adder (Bitis peringueyi) @ Swakopmund, Namibia-8163 Amboseli National Park JPLotak_20220206__P3A0554 Sbeitla, Tunisia DSC_9616-Edit.jpg black rhino Naima and Nasor Blijdorp 9K2A2361 super starling - lake naivasha, Kenya DSC01042 _DSC5860-copywb-bw 20240620_0098_Gorongosa_Oie-armee de Gambie cheetah Burgerszoo 9K2A1042 Naivasha2022-03-19 08:19:08carlosoliveirareis posted a photo: Naivasha Read More SA 2022--39.jpg K21_79 mandrill Artis LF1A1655 DSC_9787-Edit.jpg Nosy Iranja, Antisiranana (Madagascar) No fuel needed SA 2022-3043.jpg Elephants DSC01042 DSC_9577-Edit.jpg