Templo de Karnak, Luxor. SA 2022-3181.jpg Lamu Island K21_121 SA 2022-1637.jpg Egyptian Goose basking in sunshine - Lake Naivasha - Kenya Hippo grazing on shores of lake naivasha 20240620_0220_Gorongosa_Lion Egyptian Goose - Lake Naivasha - Kenya Red Lechwe males squaring up to each other Bonobo Kutu and Baby Ouwehand LF1A0620 Baboons D7_Phone45 DSC01042 African lion Antwerpen LF1A0134 D5_3548 20240620_0077_Gorongosa_Vanneau arme Lechwe Chimpanzee Antwerpen LF1A1469 20230420_111250 Act Justly * Love Mercy * Walk Humbly Templo de Karnak, Luxor.2022-05-28 18:58:48Harry Espotterr. posted a photo: Read More Waterbuck in South Africa Egyptian Goose basking in sunshine - Lake Naivasha - Kenya Sleepy Hyenas tanzania safari 2022 leva90-9 20211002_0453_Okavango(Moremi)_Hippopotame Western lowland Bokito Blijdorp LF1A1636 20240620_0067_Gorongosa_Phacochere How's it going? Blue Waxbills (uraeginthus angolensis) and Southern Grey-headed Sparrow (passer diffusus) Seeing double. 249/365