20240620_0098_Gorongosa_Oie-armee de Gambie Hippo grazing - Lake Naivasha - Kenya Grey Heron - Lake Naivasha Western lowland Bokito Blijdorp LF1A1636 Marabout d'Afrique The Gregarious Puku Waterbuck Sleepy Hyenas southern ground hornbill 11192016-2 Blue Waxbills (uraeginthus angolensis) and Southern Grey-headed Sparrow (passer diffusus) 20240620_0077_Gorongosa_Vanneau arme Bonobo Kutu and Baby Ouwehand LF1A0517 Katelembu, Machakos County, Kenya A Look Beyond The Crater Rim Lion (Panthera leo) DSC_9616-Edit.jpg mandrill Ouwehand 9K2A2371 Forest Elephant Act Justly * Love Mercy * Walk Humbly DSC_9678-Edit.jpg Vultures 20240620_0098_Gorongosa_Oie-armee de Gambie2024-07-21 17:01:12fstoger posted a photo: Read More SA 2022-2668.jpg IMGP1049 Martial Eagle Vultures JPLotak_20220206__P3A0713 Gazelle / Impala western lowlandgorilla Shambe artis LF1A0863 commondwarf mongoose Blijdorp LF1A0661 Templo de Karnak, Luxor. Cow suckling calf - Naivasha African Skimmers